Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Mexican Auto Insurance - Why Needed

If you are someone who likes to take their vacations traveling by vehicle, which is planning to go to Mexico, there& 39;s something you should keep in mind. Your regular insurance will not cover in Mexico!
Many people do not realize this. There are a number of people who have traveled along many of the states bordering Mexico and thought they simply take a permanence across the border. But their American or Canadian automobile and insurance coverage is not valid once they cross the border into Mexico. If you get in an accident, even if not at fault, you may still be put in jail for not having insurance coverage liability applies to Australia. And just imagine the problems that would have with the police if someone is injured in an accident in which you have no coverage! Most likely to be arrested on the spot and I do not think that anyone wants to spend time in a Mexican jail.
Another problem can occur if the damage to his vehicle, or has been lost or stolen and you need to replace either O repair while in Mexico. Once again, its policy of America or Canada probably not dealing with him and will have to find some way [probably cheap] to go back across the border to the United States to take charge of their problem. You are far better to have insurance to cover such expenses within Mexico. Good Mexican automobile insurance will keep you from spending a lot of time in dealing with the Mexican authorities in many cases.
And always get an insurance policy that can quickly and easily be renewed or extended beyond the cut-off date if you want or need to go a few more days in Mexico. Of course, you should always make sure your insurance extends at least a little time waiting beyond your stay, but must always be prepared for the unexpected, as the revenge of Montezuma! You never know what can happen and you should always be able to call and get a quick extension if necessary.
Another important to make sure Mexico is a policy with a company that will have official claims that will take your call and can At speak their language. Usually, these are bilingual telephone operators, but you have to make sure that before it is necessary. And you will have to ensure that claims adjusters who are sent to the visit who are bilingual as well. It can save a lot of headaches.
Before driving in Mexico, always check with your insurance agent to see what coverage you have and what you need. Sometimes, Americans can find some that do have coverage, and only have to buy more. Canadians on the other hand rarely have any kind of insurance that covers them from Mexico. And very often the Mexican authorities recognize only auto insurance written through insurance companies in Mexico. Always make sure you know exactly what you have what you need before you leave home. If you need car insurance Mexico can be found in finding insurance online luzette carri

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